Monday, July 6, 2009

The Black Hole Of Capitalism

Today I got a written warning for writing the word “cunts” where I was supposed to document a name as proof of delivery of an item (I won’t go into the whole procedure). In a, let’s say, humorous moment, they (2 managers) presented a printout of it and said “You wanna explain this?” I let out a quick laugh/smile, I guess to try to ease the tension. I mean I really didn’t give a fuck, and I wanted them to realise that I wasn’t a disgruntled man work wise. So I acknowledged the issue at hand and gave the whole ‘it won’t happen again’ shite, and it went down OK enough in the end.

But the whole thing originated because I was pissed of about something small, and legitimately so even though it only ever made a difference of $2. But when I explained my issue to them they were ready to aggressively argue against it. It wasn’t hard to sense that, and I wisely moved onto the issue of the profanity and went on to play the whole thing down. But if I stuck to my guns and pursued my issue, I would have been bulldozed over. The two boys are headstrong, hardnosed bastards when it comes down to it and they’d stubbornly dismiss my argument nomatter how much I argued. I always knew they were cunts and that’s pretty much why I wrote it, even though it was only an act of idleness. Fucking middle management is the black hole of capitalism.

Anyway I have hopes of having a new job within a fortnight, a decent job. I hope to god I get it.

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